Creative workshop in recycled materials
Transform your lonely or torn socks into monsters, goblins, door bottoms, your felted and shrunken sweaters into blankets, jewelry, hot water bottle bag.
Build small light furniture or musical instruments out of cardboard. Learn to knit, crochet, darn, repair, use your sewing machine, do patchwork or paper basketry, weaving on cardboard.
Line up meters of trapilho cut from old t-shirts to make baskets and rugs.
Sew your make-up remover pads, paper towels and washable protections.
Getting started with mosaics with scraps.
Come and find what you're looking for in the barn, share what's lying around at home with other participants and create your own unique and personal object.
These are just a few of the possible activities at the recycled materials workshop. To try it is to adopt it !
Registration required before Friday September 13