The Great Cannon
This site is in fact the site of a "KW" cannon of the "Kaiser Wilhelm Geschutze" or "langer Max" (Max along) type which had the mission, during the First World War, to fire heavily on Belfort to create a diversion during the attacks on Verdun and the forts of Vaux and Douaumont.
Under the forest cover and around the bends, you can discover a multitude of remains that are still visible or legible. Only the "barracks" have disappeared. The buried civil engineering works are rather well preserved. During a guided tour with one of the passionate volunteers of the site, you will be able to browse the underground galleries, and discover the organization of this impressive military infrastructure. On a free visit, you will discover the surface infrastructures by following a route marked out with explanatory panels.
An application "Site du Grand Canon de Zillisheim" can be downloaded to explore this historic site.
Under the forest cover and around the bends, you can discover a multitude of remains that are still visible or legible. Only the "barracks" have disappeared. The buried civil engineering works are rather well preserved. During a guided tour with one of the passionate volunteers of the site, you will be able to browse the underground galleries, and discover the organization of this impressive military infrastructure. On a free visit, you will discover the surface infrastructures by following a route marked out with explanatory panels.
An application "Site du Grand Canon de Zillisheim" can be downloaded to explore this historic site.
Specific target audience
- Adults (individuals)
- Children (individual)
- School groups
Type of place to visit (max 2 modalities)
- Military site
Visit formulas
- Guided tour for individuals
- Guided tour for individuals by appointment
- Guided tour for groups by appointment
Practical services:
- Welcome / open to groups