Hubert Gardere, stonemason
Hubert Gardere, stonemason in Alsace offers his stonework services for individuals and businesses: fountains, stairs, paving, walls, columns, sinks, etc., in creation and renovation. He made a tour of France of remarkable sites from 1989 to 1995, also passing through Switzerland, during which he was able to acquire all the techniques related to stone. His know-how has enabled him to participate in such prestigious projects as the Louvre, the Pantheon, the Senate, etc. He welcomes you by appointment to visit his size workshop, his sculpture exhibition and offers on request , courses in carving and stone sculpture.
Duration: 1h
Type of place to visit (max 2 modalities)
- Artist's studio
Visit formulas
- Guided tour for individuals
- Guided tour for groups
Reception hours:
welcome and visit by appointment