Events calendar Interactive map
Vianney Muller

The path of the planets of Aspach

The path of the planets, created by the Astroaspach club in partnership with the Municipality of Aspach, is a 3 km circuit which invites you to discover our solar system in an original way thanks to educational panels representing the distance between the planets on a scale. : 1 meter traveled represents 2 km in space! From the Sun to Neptune, what a journey!

Along the way, you can also enjoy the walk in the forest of Litten, its Chapel (1862) then the rural outskirts of the village, walk in the alleys of Aspach to cross at the end of the route the Jardin des Libellules (garden council dedicated to the preservation of water and biodiversity).


Signage to follow:
Yellow arrow, communal markup
Place of the event / departure:
Parking place de l'Eglise - Aspach town hall
Altitude (m):
Duration: 1h
Type of tour, itinerary: pedestrian
Length of circuit / route (in km): 3
Cumulative positive elevation (in m): 55
Specific target audience
  • Adults (individuals)
  • Adult groups
  • School groups
Markup type
  • Municipal
Type of trail / circuit
  • Nature discovery / interpretation trail

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68130 Aspach
CallContact by phone
WebsiteSee website


Aspach town hall
30 rue de Thann
68130 Aspach
WebsiteSee website
Distance (km) to the nearest station:

The museum in images

Chapel of Our Lady of the Litten - © Vianney MULLER- © Village of Aspach

The Sundgau on the Networks

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